With 200 workstations, Callson has the resources to respond to high-volume sampling and deadlines.
Callson has developed its own predictive system that has been designed to meet the demands of business.
12 million calls, 400,000 interviews a year, these are just a few figures to illustrate the scale of operations within our organisation.

B2B or B2C, teams are formed according to the nature of the project, the difficulty of research targets.


Cobrowsing is a combination of various modes of data collection that allows us to deal with specific issues. The phone gives the means to manage an interview as efficiently as possible whilst the web improves interactions with an interviewee, by visualizing a concept, a video.

Telephone recruitment

The telephone method allows a wide range of panels. Callson implements this for any operation which requires a control of the quality of selection of respondents and in particular within the framework of a web panel partnership.

Research design

The research design can also isolate micro-teams and create dedicated workspaces.

• 1 CATI center in Paris (18th district)

• 1 CATI center in Toulouse (Capitole).

• 1 CATI center in Morocco (Marrakech)

• 200 CATI stations

• IP telephony

• Specialised lines of 8 MGB between our France and Morocco sites

• Novell / Windows 2000 Servers

• Automatic daily backups


• Survey Software: Askia and Pollux